Saturday, November 24, 2018

Let Perfect Peace have its way!

When going through something that seems unbearable or insurmountable. When life gets ugly (because it does) and when circumstances surround you (because they will). Whether they are self imposed (results of our flesh) or externally created (outside ourselves) it is the peace of God that we need.
It the peace of God that brings hope, not just any hope but a lively hope (1 Peter 1:3), a hope we can rejoice in, a glorious hope that says, our God is in control and is faithful to work all things together for good to them that love God (Rom 8:28)
I am here to tell you (by my experience and through scripture) that the peace needed can only be found in and through the shed blood of Jesus. To experience this peace that only God provides (Ph 4:7) and not just talk about it we must experience the peace of God that only Calvary provides (Romans 5:1).
If it’s not by way of “Jesus of Calvary” there can be no peace, here or in the hereafter…….